Category: Movement







Let it flow


Between January and May of 2010, I experienced the in-depth immersion of EVOLVE’s Yoga Teacher Training Program with Carson Efird. My successful completion provided me the credentials RYT-200, which means Registered Yoga Teacher with 200 contact hours with a trainer. It proved to be a very reductive experience, meaning that I came away from the four months exploring what could I let go of, what was no longer necessary in my life, what could I release? And the Universe responded with its own ideas of what was insubstantial and should shake loose; some of which I may or may not have been ready to let go, but aligning to that space in my life has proved to be rewarding.

The blessing in all this stripping away is that clarity of thought was left at the end. I stood in the center of emptiness and could chose what to do next. My dharma has brought me back to the YTT program again, this time as the administrative assistant for Carson, but also with an opportunity to reorganize the information and immerse myself in this system of wisdom without the pressure of homework and deadlines. This weekend launched the new class, eight beautiful and open-hearted women who were apprehensive about what they had committed to, but also eager for transformation and possibility. I found for myself this kickoff weekend, comfort and validation, but also enormous space for new knowledge and community to flourish. Namaste!